
Proper communication requires an open mind. An open mind requires humility. Humility requires one to put aside one's pride. Communication does not mean changing beliefs or convincing another to change their beliefs that is formally called a a debate or informally called arguing. Propper communication is used for understanding, understanding does not mean acceptance. If my child were to communicate a desire for a new car giving all ideas forth of color, style, type of car, etc. I do not need to accept that desire and give them a car especially if he or she is only 4 years old. So often people misunderstand communication as an intent to change minds, or inact change in belief, or request to be given something.

If a husband is walking in a store with his wife sees another woman and states out loud she has a nice butt, well the wife would be offended taking that as his desire to bed her even if in fact it was a simple statement. Communication requires a consideration of purpose. In that case purpose may be a desire to receive confirmation of feelings rather than a desire to have. Its not wrong to desire confirmation nor to have such feelings of what we consider attractive, it is, however, socially unacceptable to state out loud due to how that affects others around us. I may also add innapropriate to dwell on feelings of attraction to the point of having fantasy of obtaining, but we are focusing on communication not thoughts. So consider your purpose when communicating because how it is understood will determine how well you communicate.

Babies communicate based on needs usually through tones of crying depending on the need. Toddlers communicate based on needs and wants beginning with one or two words and later sentences. Children and teenagers communicate needs, wants, feelings, desires, fears, etc. Through full sentences of what they understand. Adults communicate all that prior and then some often using context, examples, parables, imagery, etc in order to bridge gaps in connotative meaning. One example of many words that mean the same thing but used in different geological areas: buggy, shopping cart, grocery basket, etc. One example of a word with multiple meanings based on the  geological area in which it is used is biscuit see UK vs USA.

Text message is notorious for causing miscommunication due to simplicity of messaging and often short text especially without context. Phone calls are the same but are less common of an issue due to tone of voice. Many times someone might send a picture without context and friends dont understand the message, memes bridge that gap. Other times a picture might be sent and the message not understood in the same way. You might send a picture and description of what is in the picture but its not understood or not recieved in the way expected. Lets say you send a picture and a description of what is within, would you consider saying "I have never seen this before and it never crossed my mind that I would ever see this. If I hadnt seen this I'd not think it to be something ever possible, therefore I find it funny." Very clear and consice of a message yet not common use. Especially when the message is generally accepted when sending a picture and simply saying "lol." It seems only when the feeling is not mutual is when the message is not accepted. You share what you think is funny but someone else does not think it so they may find it to be an annoyance.

Sometimes personal feelings are absent in messages as well. Imagine feeling alone, sad, depressed, or any number of negative emotions. Maybe you dont necessarily desire to tell someone your feelings but you went online to find connection. You found a picture you thought was funny and shared it with a friend or to social media as a sort of seeking validation from others. They dont know why you shared it but if they think its funny they may reply with an "lol" or a like. But those who dont have the same feeling ignore it. When you share alot and someone who does not feel a connection to or understanding to the messages or posts they may start to feel annoyed, especially if related to certain topics they disagree with. For example if someone messaged me with constant quotes from a political figure I disagree with I would be very annoyed and communicate as such. In that example they may be sharing those quotes with a certain purpose that is not communicated, such as: maybe they feel the same as you and share them as a way of saying "i find this person stupid" or "i find this funny because of how false it is"; maybe they are sharing as a way of asking, "what do you think of these"; or they may indeed be saying "I know you dont agree but I want you to change your mind based on these statements."

Again communication requires understanding and therefore might require statement of purpose. Lets say I took a picture of my wife and shared on social media saying "look at my beautiful wife." That could come across as bragging, showing off, etc. But if someone didnt agree that she was beautiful they might find my statement stupid but out of respect they understand beauty lies in the eye of the beholder nevertheless they dont appreciate the post as others do. So lets say I expanded on the post by saying:

"I had such a bad day today. Work was -x, y, or z- and I feel emotionally exhausted. I have been loney all day and considering thoughts of -insert negative thoughts here-. I wanted to share this picture of my wife to say that as she walked in the door her smile brought light into my soul and gladness in my heart. I wanted to share this with everyone as an expression of saying she helped me overcome a negative day."

That might be accepted with more positivity than the first way. I believe too often people judge others by assuming they know what is being thought or felt. I also believe too often others are judged as thinking or feeling certain ways that are untrue. How is this resolved? If every post included a background explaining its purpose would it be accepted as such or rejected as being pretentious? Is art not simply shared without explanation, for the purpose that the viewer may experience their own emotions even if different from the artist?

My point is, before getting angry or annoyed maybe ask for clarification of purpose when communication is made. Admittedly I am not perfect in this myself and need to work on it. I hope this post is understood as I am not proofreading nor am I sharing it with someone else prior to posting as I normally might. I am just tired its 2:30am and if I save it as a draft I might not share it at all.

A History of Isolation

Very rarely have I ever felt like I belonged. In fact the places I feel most comfortable I still feel isolated in one way shape or form. To give a few examples let me share some hobbies:

I very much enjoy hiking. Often times I will hike to places I have never been just to see a view I have never seen. Unlike most hikers I dont try the latest gear, I dont shoot for some record, and often times I get bored doing the same trail twice unless my goal is to go beyond a point I had previously failed to reach. I have views that may be unpopular (at least unpopular with my age group) when it comes to hiking such as wearing mid cut boots with crew cut wool socks, thinking it is ok to go off trail to explore or answer natures call (while at the same time I avoid cuting switchbacks), and spitting sunflower seed shells off the side of the trail. I more often than not feel judged for my actions and therefore refrain from hiking in groups these days.

Mountain biking has been a hobby of mine since I would ride around in the mountains when camping as a kid. As an adult I find there are so many groups that just make it hard to find one I fit in. You've got the downhill mountain bike enthusiasts who frequent resorts, the hardtail climber who prefers trails to bike up then make the easy ride down, and then you have the casual cross country mountain biker. Im a little bit of all 3 but closer experienced to the 2nd and 3rd. While I still ride a hardtail, wear elbow and kneepads as well as inflate my tires to maybe 5 below the maximum psi I feel quite out of place when everyone around me is without padding, has full suspension, and rides tubless tires at 17psi.

I do very much enjoy video games as well. But Im not a strict loyalist to any one platform, in fact I have every platform but Playstation. That's only because the primary games I am interested in are only available on Switch or Xbox and since I play maybe an hour each month its not worth it to spend the money on a new console and games when I have other bills. I do indeed have Xbox, Switch and even PC but I dont fit in much with the PC crowd since I prefer a controller and I dont play any MMORPGs nor do I enjoy top down games. Then on xbox I dont get very competitive so I usually play solo campaigns. While I do occasionally play online multiplayer I despise objective based online multiplayer so Warzone and Large Battlefields are not variants I enjoy. In the Switch category I dont get into the technicals of Smash Bros so Im always last and Mario Kart has started to become boring for me so I usually stick to Zelda. That being said things change and hearing someone talk trash of a new Halo or Zelda game because they dont like the new direction brings me down so I tend to isolate from negativity.

Those are just a few examples and I get noone is perfect and people are more welcoming than I think it doesnt help when you have social anxiety or past traumas related to rejection.

Speaking of which I think it can be explained by my past. I learned quickly that friends where hard to keep in an area filled with lower middle class. Most close friends moved away due to parents getting better jobs or losing jobs. Other friends changed friend groups and would only hang out with me because of the toys I had. One of my very best friends I only ever saw once a month because he would stay the weekend with his grandma, so when his grandma passed away I never saw him again. More friends I thought were best friends would leave me to join a group considered to be more popular. In one instance I found out 15 years later a friend stopped hanging out with me because he began experimenting sexually with another boy which could be the equivalent of a friend leaving his friends for a girl, except we were all around age 9 or 10 which is quite concerning.

Since age 12ish I dont think I have ever had a consistant friend to hang with that lasted for more than a year before one reason or another would split us apart. Distance is a heartless witch.

Now I find myself relying on my wife to fullfill the needs of friend and spouse. It can be tough sometimes as she is busy with work quite often and I am busy with school, our schedules don't exactly line up to enjoy multiple hobbies. Often times we resort to just playing Catan or watching tv, especially since video games like Halo are difficult for her and health limits her ability to hike with me. I do try to participate in her hobbies as well but unlike me she does have friends, therefore, I leaving painting for her and her friends to do together as it doesnt interest me. If I could have a guys night while she has a girls night I would but at age 31 being a freshman in college where does one find guy friends that arent 10 years younger or tied up with family/children. One day I hope my situation changes til then I continue to search for a guy friend who just wants to be platonic.


Proper communication requires an open mind. An open mind requires humility. Humility requires one to put aside one's pride. Communicatio...